Monday, September 26, 2011

My Absolute Favoritest Movie of 2011 - Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive

It's only September but I won't be seeing a better movie this year. I love it like family.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

David Fincher's The Social Network or: This is why I should never pick a "Favorite Movie of the Year"

David Fincher's The Social Network is so far and away the best movie I saw from 2010 that it really makes me question why I even go to the trouble of picking a "Best Movie" of the year every year. I originally chose Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World as my favorite and, credit to me, I did state at the beginning of that piece that I hadn't seen several of the other best movie contenders that were out there. Well, now I see why I did that. The Social Network is not only my favorite movie from 2010 but I'd go so far as to say that it's one of the best movies of the last decade along with Fincher's other masterpiece, 2007's Zodiac.

Lesson learned.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My Favoritest Movie of 2010 - Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Firast off, let me say that I have yet to see a TON of movies that came out in 2010 that I think look great: Black Swan, The Social Network, True Grit, Amer, Animal Kingdom, the list goes on and on. The days of me seeing every current movie I possibly can are over with. Nowadays I usually catch the ones I'm interested in on Netflix, DVD, HBO, cable, etc. If in two months time I watch Black Swan and love it so much that I declare it my new Best Of 2010 movie then so be it. As of this moment, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World is my favoritest movie of 2010. I almost can't comprehend how much I adore it. I'll tell you when I really and truly KNOW that I love a movie...It's when, deep down inside, I wish that I'd made the movie. I WISH THAT I MADE SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD.

I love the characters and their respective actors, I love everything that Edgar Wright does behind the camera, I love the music, I love it's kinetic, pulsating, throbbing, tangible energy, I love it's sweetness, I love everything about it. Let me also add that, in my humble opinion, this is the best movie that's been adapted from another source that I've ever seen. If you've read the Scott Pilgrim books then you've pretty much seen the movie, and vice versa. That's not a knock against the movie either because Scott Pilgrim is one of the most entertaining graphic novels ever written. When your source material is that good, why change it? I can't imagine anybody that loved the books not loving this movie. I can't imagine it.

So, there you have it, my favoritest movie of 2010. Even though I saw it in March of 2011. Oh well.